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  • 9 Dec 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Quail Valley City Centre
  • 0


Join us for our annual Jingle All the Way event.  The ice slide sponsor for this event is Quail Valley Fund (our HOA).  Wagon Sponsors include Aquarius Home Services (Peter and Donna Haselow), C. A. Cleaning Company (Griselda Sandles), and Select Title (Chris Crochet).

Ride on a horse drawn wagon to see the holiday lights on Lollipop Loop and Candy Cane Lane.  This will be extended with 2 hours of hayrides to expand the event to accommodate more people.  Santa will be there for a special visit with Sage and Willow (Monica Wood) taking the pictures.  There will also be an ice slide and a craft tables for the children to enjoy.  The Quail Valley Garden Club will be selling holiday items.

When registering, the easiest way is to sign into your Proud account on our website first, then navigate to the events page. You can register directly from there once registration opens.   Due to rising costs and decreased funding, we will be charging for the Jingle Rides this year.  The cost to Quail Valley Proud members is $5 per person.  For those who are not Quail Valley Proud members, the cost will be $10 per person.  Registration will open for members first.  ____ days later registration will open for non-members for any remaining available spots.

The club will be serving food and drinks. They will have a concession stand set up with festive items and snacks, as well as a full bar.  Please leave your personal coolers at home and patronize the club - they generously let us use the City Centre for this event and patronizing them makes this a win-win for both of us.  Besides - the food and drinks are good!

We look forward to seeing you on the 15th.

Thank you to our sponsors:

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